On 14.09.23 in the Wroclaw branch of BAC POLSKA company an OPEN DAY took place, where invited guests could take a close look at all mobile platforms offered by the manufacturer of Zoomlion lifts. This special day included demonstrations of the platforms, their testing, but we also presented our online store with a wide range of parts for Zoomlion platforms. All interested parties had the opportunity to see our warehouse of parts, our fleet of service cars, as well as to learn about the training programs organized for our customers - in the field of maintenance of Zoomlion platforms.

BAC Zoomlion Open Days 09.2023

We have just returned from a visit to the Zoomlion factory. Enjoy a short report.

Production hall with agricultural machinery.

Z okazji 30. rocznicy zostaliśmy zaproszeni w raz innymi do świętowania z Zoomlion. Mieliśmy okazję zobaczyć poszczególne etapy produkcji maszyn AWP i porozmawiać ze świetnymi specjalistami👏na temat najnowszych technologii wykorzystywanych w produkcji. To wszystko jeszcze bardziej uświadomia nas o bardzo wysokim poziomie tych maszyn.

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